
Character bones that look like Openpose for blender _ Ver_99 Depth+Canny+Landmark+MediaPipeFace+finger+CameraPose

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Character bones that look like Openpose for blender _ Ver_99 Depth+Canny+Landmark+MediaPipeFace+finger+CameraPose

813 ratings

-Blender version 3.5 or higher is required.-

Download —blender.org

Guide : https://youtu.be/f1Oc5JaeZiw

V99 update

Added 3D_doll_controlnet sd 15 rig


openpose_attach_1.0.1 update

Added preset export/import to Openpose attach. When you run export, it will save as a .json file in the .blend file path. Import button imports a .json file in the same path as the .blend file. To use, first select the target rig, then select the openpose attach rig, then press import in pose mode.

V98 update

Posetest_v1 controlnet rig update



V97 minor update

Back_Blocker : Adds a mesh that blocks the back of the open pose's head. This is helpful if the character is rotating.

Auto bright : Automatically adjusts the brightness of the line based on the distance from the camera. This can be helpful when used in conjunction with MimicMotion.

You'll need to adjust the range of brightness in the Material tab accordingly.

AnimdateDiff_tools _ Camera pose

A simple addon that converts Blender's camera movement into the camera pose required for CameraCtrl.

ComfyUI-AnimateDiff-Evolved is required.


Path: The path to save to. If empty, the same path as the .blend file.

Name: Name to save

Enter the path and name, then select a camera and press the button.

Thanks to kijai for the original script!

Character bones that look like Openpose for blender Ver96 Depth+Canny+Landmark+MediaPipeFace+finger + customizable body mesh

This time I added a box depth model for LosseControlDepth.

Compared to regular Depth, it has more flexibility inside the volume.


Character bones that look like Openpose for blender Ver95 Depth+Canny+Landmark+MediaPipeFace+finger + customizable body mesh

This time I added a Densepose option, which can be used for Magic animate. https://github.com/magic-research/magic-animate


This time, customizable body meshes for Depth/Normal/Seg/Lineart have been added.

It is easier to create extreme body shapes that are difficult with only open poses.

If you select Body_Full_01 in the "Depth_Full"/"Body_01" collection in the Outliner, you can use the Shape Keys to customize the body shape.

And Seg now has an option to enable outlines. By using the outline, you can distinguish the outline of the object more clearly. However, you need to be careful because it constrains the shape of the object more strongly.

When used with OpenPose, video generation using AnmateIDiff is a bit easier.

Character bones that look like Openpose for blender Ver93 Depth+Canny+Landmark+MediaPipeFace+finger

In version 93, new tools were added. -Openpose_attach

Using this tool, you can render the images you need for multiple controlnets at once using the rig of your choice.

First you need to install the openpose_attach_1.0.0.zip addon.

Using this addon you can attach an open pose rig to a target rig.

  1. Select open pose rig and target rig at the same time and change to pose mode
  2. Select the target bone first, then the open pose bone.
  3. And when you press the Align and attach button, the bone of the open pose rig moves to the position of the target bone and then becomes constrained.

An openpose face uses a separate rig. Adjust it to fit the shape of your character's face.

Seg objects located in the Segment collection are for the semantic_segmentation controlnet.

You can set an object or collection as a target. In addition, one color can be assigned to the entire object, or a random color can be assigned to each mesh island. And you can use 150 materials corresponding to the prompt.

Other objects, including characters, should be placed in the 'objects' collection.


Character bones that look like Openpose for blender Ver92 Depth+Canny+Landmark+MediaPipeFace+finger

The structure of the openpose face has become simpler than before.

And a normal rendering pass was added. Useful for generating props like chair.

You can put the desired objects into the 'Normal' collection. Then, input the rendered normal pass image to the 'normal' controlnet.

Character bones that look like Openpose for blender Ver91 Depth+Canny+Landmark+MediaPipeFace+finger

For convenience, the structure of the open pose face has been simplified. Duplicating characters is now more convenient.

Character bones that look like Openpose for blender Ver9 Depth+Canny+Landmark+MediaPipeFace+finger

Added extra limbs.Extra limbs are useful for generating monster characters.

Open pose images with extra limbs are stored in a separate folder 'openpose_full_Extra_Limb'.

If you don't see the extra limbs, enable the Openpose_Extralimb collection in the outliner.

Additional limbs are controlled by vertices rather than rigs for editing ease. Extruding vertices adds joints. The hands can be controlled using a rig.

Wire mode added. Enabling it makes it easier to adjust the rig. It is automatically disabled when rendering.

Character bones that look like Openpose for blender Ver8.1 Depth+Canny+Landmark+MediaPipeFace+finger

Added line art support and fixed some bugs.

Character bones that look like Openpose for blender Ver8 Depth+Canny+Landmark+MediaPipeFace+finger

Added support for new open poses (finger + face) updated in ControlNet v1.1.

ControlNet v1.1 : lllyasviel/ControlNet-v1-1 at main (huggingface.co)

Dot Size; The size of the finger joint blue dots.

Line_thickness : Line thickness

Auto_size: Automatically adjust thickness according to camera distance.

Auto_Size_mult: auto thickness adjustment multiply

Emission: brightness adjustment

Hands, faces, and combined images are each stored in separate folders.

The location of the parameters of the open pose body has been changed from object properties to modifiers.

Added MediaPipeFace controlnet model support.

Download the appropriate controlnet model file and place it in your extension's model folder.

CrucibleAI/ControlNetMediaPipeFace · Hugging Face

Hide_Iris_Auto: Automatically hides the iris when the eyes are closed.

Hide_Iris_Left/Right : Hides left/right iris.

Iris_Size : Adjust the iris size.

Auto_Thick: Automatically adjusts the line thickness according to the camera distance.

Thick_multi : Adjust the thickness of the line.

Jaw_Size: Adjust the length of the jaw.

Face_width : Adjusts the width of the face.

Character bones that look like Openpose for blender Ver_6 Depth + Canny + Landmark

Added landmarks for facial landmark controlnet.

Face landmark controlnet model : georgefen/Face-Landmark-ControlNet at main (huggingface.co)

The combination of Canny and Landmark allows more precise control of facial expressions and shapes.

You can find it in the Landmark collection.

ShowFaceMesh : show/hide face mesh

Show_Extra_side : Show extra dots to assist the side of the face. Dots displayed in side view. It is used when the face turns more than intended.

DotSize : Dot size

Inflat_outline: Inflate the facial outline dots.

Inflat_face: Inflate the face (eyes, nose and mouth) dots.

Jaw_size : adjust jaw size. Useful for creating realistic human images.

Auto_dot_size : Automatically adjust the dot size according to the distance from the camera On/Off

It is no longer necessary to render each ControlNet image separately. When F12 or Render/Render image button is pressed, a MultiControlnet folder is automatically created in the path where the blend file is located, and each controlnet image is saved separately. If you want to avoid overwriting the image, change the frame in the timeline each time you render.


Character bones that look like Openpose for blender Ver_5 Depth + Canny

Faces were added in v5. To be precise, eyes, eyebrows, mouth and tongue were added.

In order to obtain the desired result, you must properly adjust the weight, Guidance Start, and Guidance End, and use the appropriate Prompt.

Because it was designed for 2D characters, it doesn't work well with realistic models. You may need to adjust the size and position of the eyes and mouth.

Character bones that look like Openpose for blender Ver_4.7 Depth + Canny

The toes can now move individually.

Character bones that look like Openpose for blender Ver_4.6 Depth + Canny

I checked the file and found that the show head was missing. I added it again, so please download the latest version.

Character bones that look like Openpose for blender Ver_4.5 Depth + Canny

In ver_4.5, T2I-Adapter's keypose bone was added.

Hide and show whatever you want in the outliner's collection. Main_ring is an adjustment rig, and Keypose_bone and Openpose_bone are corresponding bones respectively.

As with the open pose bone, you can adjust the bone's thickness, brightness, and automatic thickness adjustment in the custom properties of the key pose bone.

Character bones that look like Openpose for blender Ver_4 Depth + Canny

The feet have now been added.

For toes, Canny works a bit better than Depth.

Depth and Canny have been merged into one file.

Hide the other Collections in the Outliner except the one you want between Depth and Canny.

Character bones that look like Openpose for blender Ver_3.5 Depth + Canny

For Canny version, the preprocessor must be set to Canny.

Unlike depth, setting it to None won't work.

In the outliner, the Canny collection includes hands and a white background for Canny. Hide and show as needed.

The line thickness of the hand can be changed through Thickness in Solidify in the modifier list.

Character bones that look like Openpose for blender Ver_3

In Ver 3, a hand mesh was added. It is possible to adjust the fingers more precisely by rendering the hand mesh depth and open pose bone images separately and inputting them to Multi-ControlNet.

See this video on how to render a depth image in Blender.

Character bones that look like Openpose for blender Ver_2

In Ver_2, thickness adjustment function was added.

When using the ControlNet Openpose model, the line and dot thickness should be constant regardless of distance to obtain an optimal image.

In the image below, compared to the upper row with a constant thickness, the lower row with different thickness starts to break the pose from the middle.

In the viewport, select "OpenBone_body_v2", a colored mesh, and the adjustment options are available in the object properties.

-Alpha: Adjust the transparency of the skeleton. 1 is completely transparent.

-Auto_Size_multi: Multiplier for auto-adjusting bone thickness.

Distance between Thickness_Handle and bone / Auto_Size_multi = Auto thickness

-Auto_size : Use automatic bone thickness adjustment. 0 : disable, 1 : enable

- Emission: Bone brightness adjustment

-Show_Head : Show or hide the head.

-Thickness: Bone thickness automatically adjusted when Auto_size is enabled.

-Thickness_Ball: Adjust the thickness of the spheres located at the joint.

-Thickness_Head: Adjusts only the thickness of the bones located on the head.

-Thickness_Second : Adjust overall bone thickness

If Auto_size is set to 1, the thickness of the bone is automatically adjusted according to the distance between the Thickness_Handle and the open pose bone. Thickness_Handle is constrained to Camera.

Character bones that just look like Openpose.

It is designed for use with ControlNet Pose2Image (Openpose).

Mikubill/sd-webui-controlnet: WebUI extension for ControlNet (github.com)

You can use it after setting Preprocessor to none and Model to Oenpose.

Made using Autorig-Pro. Install rig_tools_3.67.12.zip if you don't have this Addon. You can use it without it, but then you cannot change rig properties like the FK<->IK switch.

You can adjust the brightness and transparency of the skeleton in the object properties.

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